Check Out Our NEW Exam Room & Operatory

Have you been interested in receiving a specific treatment, but we could not schedule your appointment due to a lack of room in the office? We have exciting news! We are happy to announce that we have a new examination room and operatory and can now schedule any appointments you may have had to postpone! This is not only exciting because we can treat existing patients, but we will also be able to see new patients sooner. Read on to learn more about how the update to the office may benefit you and your family and how we are able to care for your needs.

Orthodontics Is The Perfect Treatment For Adults

When some of our adult patients think about orthodontic treatment, they believe they are too old because they associate this form of treatment with children and teenagers. This is simply not true! At Seven Star Dental, we are happy to help our adult patients of all ages straighten their teeth with orthodontics. We use Invisalign® to straighten teeth. This is a popular treatment that uses clear aligner trays to slowly transition teeth into the correct alignment. Patients love Invisalign because of the many benefits it provides our adult patients. Some of the benefits patients appreciate are that the trays are removable and they can enjoy their favorite foods without restrictions. We are able to complete the entire Invisalign treatment out of our office, so you do not need to visit an orthodontist. We know that your time is valuable, and this treatment is a time saver for many of our patients.

Enhancing Smiles With Expertise And The Art Of Composite Restorations

I am passionate about continuing education opportunities to provide my patients with the latest and greatest knowledge and practices to assist with their oral health and overall well-being. These opportunities are important to me because I am always looking to improve the techniques and level of care I can provide in my practice. I recently had the opportunity to attend a workshop where I learned skills that will improve my treatment technique, therefore improving the level of care I am able to provide to you, my patients. Read on to learn more about the workshop I attended and how that can relate to the care of you or a loved one.

Stress And The Negative Affect On Your Oral Health

At Seven Star Dental, we are passionate about our patients’ oral and overall health. There is one condition that can cause great harm to your oral and overall health — stress. There are a variety of challenges we may face on any given day, including financial worries, family issues, too much work, or road traffic. Any of these issues can lead to higher stress. You may be surprised to learn that your mouth will tell us if you are under stress. When we check your mouth and teeth during an oral hygiene examination, we may notice certain telltale signs in your mouth, including:

What To Do About Sensitive Teeth

We are loving the summer season so far, and we hope you are too! One of our favorite things to do in the summer is enjoy a big bowl of ice cream. Do you love ice cream but have a difficult time eating anything extremely cold because it bothers your teeth? If you find that eating extremely hot or cold foods causes you discomfort, you may have sensitive teeth. If you notice that this happens frequently, your teeth are telling you that there could be a problem with your oral health. Read on to learn more about sensitive teeth and the oral health problems you might be experiencing.

Care For Your Teeth This Summer

We don’t know how you feel, but at Seven Star Dental, we are loving the summer! This is the time of year when schedules seem to fly out the window. Children are home from school, families enjoy vacations, the days are long, and most people are out and about. One schedule that we encourage you to maintain is your oral hygiene routine and your oral hygiene examinations and cleanings. We want to share some information about the importance of continuing to care for your oral health throughout the summer.

Do You Practice Preventative Care?

One of our goals is to help prevent dental issues from occurring. The best way to do this is with the help of preventative dental care. When you care for your teeth properly, you have a better chance of keeping your natural teeth for your lifetime. Preventative dentistry focuses on keeping your teeth and mouth free from decay and disease. When you practice good preventative care, we are able to detect any problems in your mouth and treat them in the early stages. Read on to learn more about the importance of preventative dental care and how it can affect your oral health.

My Gums Are Bleeding, Is That Bad?

At Seven Star Dental, we are concerned about the state of your oral health. We want our patients to feel empowered to know and understand when something doesn’t feel right with their oral health. We know that it can be concerning when you experience a problem with your oral health. One common issue that patients experience is bleeding gums. We all experience bleeding gums from time to time. It is especially common if a large piece of food becomes trapped between the teeth, irritating the gums. If it occurs regularly, your bleeding gums can be an indication that there is something wrong with your oral health. Some possible causes of bleeding gums include:

If You Need A Crown, Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Did we recommend a dental crown during your last visit and you have yet to schedule your appointment? We know that needing a recommended dental treatment can be a little unnerving, but postponing a treatment can leave serious complications with your oral health. A dental crown is an extremely common dental treatment, as common as a dental filling. Even if you do not currently have a dental crown, there is a good chance you or a family member may need this treatment in the future. Today, we want to take a few minutes to explain more about this common treatment. Read on to learn more about dental crowns.

Bad Habits That Harm Teeth

At Seven Star Dental, our goal is for our patients to have optimal oral health. This is why we are extremely passionate about our patients visiting us for routine hygiene examinations. During these appointments, we not only clean your teeth, but we also check for signs of problems in your mouth so we can take care of them as early as possible. While we do all we can to help prevent an emergency, some of our patients have bad habits that can have painful and serious effects on their oral health. These habits may not be currently causing a problem, but eventually you will see an impact on your teeth and oral health. Bad habits that you may want to change include the following: