Let’s Congratulate Dr. Bustamante!

Every day, we strive to improve the lives of our patients, whether it is through preventative, restorative, or cosmetic treatment. Good things are happening in our office, and we could not have done it without patients like you! We have recently received word that Dr. Bustamante is being recognized as Cincinnati’s Top Dentist 2023, awarded by Cincy magazine. Not only is she winning the award this year, but this marks the 5th year in a row that she has received this accolade! We are so excited that we couldn’t wait to share the fabulous news. Read on to learn more about this prestigious award.

A Quick & Easy Way To Improve Your Smile

Would you love to whiten your smile? With spring and summer events approaching quickly, there is no better time to learn more about the treatment we offer that can make the changes you want to see. We are happy to offer our patients a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments, but one in particular is among our most popular treatments — teeth whitening. Read on to learn about this popular and easy treatment and how you can improve your smile in no time at all.

Want To Dazzle Everyone?

Would you love to improve your front teeth and have a movie star smile? Do you dream of having front teeth that you would love to show off? We can use a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment to easily make a change to your front teeth that will give you a beautiful, natural look to rival the images you might see of your favorite celebrities. If you are looking to improve issues such as permanent discoloration, uneven teeth, small gaps between teeth, or chips and cracks in your teeth, porcelain veneers may be the treatment for you. Read on to learn more about porcelain veneers.

Are You Suffering From TMD?

Do you regularly experience discomfort in your jaw? Do you wake up every day with a lingering headache that won’t go away? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be suffering from a common condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder, also referred to as TMD. This common issue can arise due to problems in the facial muscles and jaw joints. You may also be familiar with the term, TMJ, which stands for the temporomandibular joint. This joint is the hinge that attaches your jaw to your skull, and if it becomes misaligned, it can lead to discomfort and leave lasting effects.

Gum Disease Awareness

Aside from Valentine’s Day, there is another special reason we love February — it’s Gum Disease Awareness Month. This is important because it is a time when we can make our patients aware of the prevalence of the disease and the effects it can have on their oral health if left untreated. Did you know that approximately half of the American adult population is affected by gum disease? This means that you or a friend or family member has been or will be affected at some point. It is important to know how to prevent this disease and the warning signs. Read on to learn more.

Hear From Patients Like You!

At Seven Star Dental, we believe that every patient deserves the highest level of care, no matter the state of their oral health. There is no judgment here, only compassion. We value your health and will do anything we can to make you feel welcome and comfortable while with us. We strive to treat all of our patients like family, so their opinions are important to us. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with some of our patients to hear their thoughts and receive feedback about the practice. We encourage you to click the link to view the video and hear what they have to say.

Make your oral health a priority this year

Did we recommend a dental treatment during your last hygiene examination, and you have not been able to schedule an appointment? We know that with all the commotion and excitement involved with the holiday season it can be difficult to visit our office for treatment. However, now that we are officially in 2023 and the holiday season is behind us, we recommend you contact our office to schedule your appointment. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of not delaying a treatment we recommend.

See The Experience Provided At Seven Star Dental

Are you looking for a dental home that provides a sense of relaxation and makes you feel like you are somewhere other than the dentist? At Seven Star Dental, Dr. Bustamante has created a dental practice that is modern yet relaxing. She knows that many patients who visit her office are intimidated in a dental setting. She wanted her practice to be something that patients have not seen at other dental offices in the past. Interested to see more about Seven Star Dental? Click here to watch a short video and learn more about the experience Dr. Bustamante and her team provide to our patients.