Bad Habits That Harm Teeth
At Seven Star Dental, our goal is for our patients to have optimal oral health. This is why we are extremely passionate about our patients visiting us for routine hygiene examinations. During these appointments, we not only clean your teeth, but we also check for signs of problems in your mouth so we can take care of them as early as possible. While we do all we can to help prevent an emergency, some of our patients have bad habits that can have painful and serious effects on their oral health. These habits may not be currently causing a problem, but eventually you will see an impact on your teeth and oral health. Bad habits that you may want to change include the following:
Using Teeth as Tools
This is the worst habit that you can have in terms of your oral health. It can be tempting to use your teeth to open a package, open a can or bottle, or rip off a clothing tag, but we encourage you to take the extra time to find the appropriate tool. Using your teeth as a tool can cause your front teeth to chip and crack.
Clenching and Grinding Your Teeth
Unfortunately, many patients who suffer from this issue are unaware of it, as it typically occurs while sleeping. This repeated motion can lead to worn, cracked, and broken teeth. If we mentioned this during your recent visit, be sure to follow our recommendations.
Snacking Throughout the Day
Not only is snacking throughout the day not beneficial for your overall health, but it can cause serious problems with your oral health as well. Each time you eat, you introduce bacteria into your mouth. Not all of the food and bacteria are washed away by saliva. It lingers and attaches to the surface of your teeth, between the teeth, and along the gumline. The more frequently you eat, the more bacteria are introduced. The same is true for people who drink sugary coffees and colas throughout the day.
If you are located in Cincinnati OH or the surrounding area and are concerned that any of these bad habits have already caused damage to your teeth, please call our office to schedule an appointment. We can work together to come up with a dental plan that is right for you and your needs. We look forward to seeing you soon!