Have you noticed any unusual facial pain or tenderness in your jaw lately? Does your jaw pop, lock up, or crackle when you chew, talk, or yawn? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have temporomandibular joint dysfunction, also known as TMJ or TMD. Fortunately, Dr. Maria Bustamante, DMD in Cincinnati has been specially trained to treat these types of problems.
A large percentage of the population is affected by some type of TMD, either temporarily or chronically. There are over 3 million reported cases in the United States every year. It can manifest as popping or clicking of the joints, tiredness while chewing, locking of the joints while opening or closing, headaches, migraines, and in the more severe and obvious cases pain in or around the TMJ.
The causes for TMD can also include any of the following: a history of trauma, malocclusion (or unhealthy bite), subconscious clenching or grinding, stress, sleep apnea, among others. When the symptoms are obvious, most people self-diagnose and decide to seek treatment to relieve the pain.
As part of the initial comprehensive exam, Dr. Maria Bustamante and her team will screen and evaluate for any sign or symptom that could indicate a dysfunction on the joint or hyper-activation of the muscles of mastication. The purpose is to know that the whole system, oral and structures around the mouth, function in harmony without long-term detrimental effects. If a concern with TMJ is obvious to our patient, a more detailed and thorough evaluation would take place in order for us to properly address and treat the condition.