Best Cosmetic Dentist in Cincinnati
If you are not happy with the way that your smile looks, it can really kill your confidence. Issues such as discoloration, stains, cracks in your teeth, misaligned teeth, or even missing teeth can cause you to try and hide your smile away.
The issues may be down to an accident or problems with your dental health, or they are that way because that is just the way that your teeth have formed. Regardless of how the problems emerged, having to hide away your smile from the rest of the world is not something that you should have to do.
There is another solution. If you are struggling with self-confidence issues centered around your teeth, then you will want the best cosmetic dentist in Cincinnati, Ohio to help you out and bring the sparkle back to your smile. Fortunately, Seven Star Dental offers a range of different cosmetic dentistry procedures that will suit all dental needs and have you looking and feeling great.
What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry is a form of dental care that sets out to improve problems with the way that your teeth look. This can include broken teeth, misaligned teeth, stained and discolored teeth, or missing teeth. All of these things can have a profound impact on your self-confidence and self-image. However these issues have come about, cosmetic dentistry can fix the way that your teeth appear and help you to regain that lost confidence.
Teeth Whitening
One of the most popular forms of cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening. At Seven Star Dental in Cincinnati, there are two types of teeth whitening available. Firstly, there is the Zoom! whitening procedure which is carried out by the doctor and the staff at the Seven Star Dental practice. This is a very effective whitening procedure that is quick and provides great results.
Secondly, there is the option to administer a tray whitening system at home. With this, you will have an impression of your teeth made, from which trays will be created. The whitening gel will be placed in the trays and these can be used at home to whiten your teeth. You will need to repeat the process over a period of a few weeks.
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers let you completely redesign and reshape your entire mouth. By using a thin porcelain shell to cover the front of your teeth, veneers hide away any broken and discolored teeth leaving you with an even looking smile that is perfectly white.
Cosmetic Bonding
Cosmetic bonding can be used as a way of covering up cracks and discoloration in your teeth. The procedure involves using a composite resin which is applied to your teeth which are then sculpted using an adhesive gel. This resin is then made hard through the use of an LED light. Once the resin is completely set then it can be polished, giving your teeth plenty of shine.
To discuss your cosmetic dental needs with the best cosmetic dentist in Cincinnati, Ohio, get in touch with Seven Star Dental today and make an appointment.